Waste Receiver Assessment Program


WRAP Pricing



Access to ALL WRAP reports


Tier 1

Access to 15 reports / assessments


additional reports at $1000/report

Tier 2

Access to 7 reports / assessments


additional reports at $1500/report

Tier 3

Access to 1 report / assessment


additional reports at $2000/report


Access to ALL WRAP reports

Total Cost: $25,000

WRAP members are concerned about potential environmental liability associated with the wastes and spent materials that are related to their companies' manufacturing and business processes. WRAP reports allow members to obtain a greater understanding of a waste disposal facility’s regulatory affairs, facility design, facility operation, environmental footprint/impact, financial strength, and insurance coverage, to make the best possible decision of where to send their waste for treatment and/or disposal. WRAP reports can augment or replace members’ internal requirements for conducting vendor due diligence reviews.

What's involved for WRAP members?

  • Once you have identified the waste receiver companies your organization would like assessed, contact Wotherspoon Environmental Inc. (WEI).
  • WEI will work with you to meet the waste receiver assessment requirements for your organization. Participation in the WRAP program involves a membership fee. The fee is based on the costs to deliver the given years program and the number of participating members. It should be noted that the yearly facility list is developed between February and March, though assessment/membership requests may be accommodated throughout the year.
  • To verify participation in the WRAP, your organization and WEI complete (sign) a WRAP participation agreement outlining the agreed upon services, costs, and schedule for the given year.
  • WEI proceeds with assessment of the facilities on the assessment list for the given year. Please note that a facility can refuse WEI an assessment or request that certain WRAP clients do not receive a copy of their report. WEI will make every reasonable attempt to assess a facility, but sometimes an assessment will not be available for the reasons noted.
  • Reports are compiled, reviewed, finalized, and distributed online. WRAP clients/members access the reports via this website.

If you would like to obtain more information about the WRAP, how to become a WRAP participant, and/or how to achieve your waste receiver assessment requirements, please contact WEI.